Pippin is a mesmerizing musical that narrates a young prince's quest for purpose and identity. Elevate this magical show with Broadway Media's Digital Backdrops, submerging you in Pippin's odyssey. From regal life to the alluring adventures led by the charismatic Leading Player and her ensemble, these projections enhance the enchanting score and fantastical storytelling. Pippin tracks Prince Pippin, King Charlemagne's son, on his quest for fulfillment beyond royal confines. Encompassing an enchanting score, featuring Corner of the Sky and Magic to Do, the musical glorifies the universal longing for purpose, love, and an extraordinary life. Through captivating acrobatics, the show delves into ambition, sacrifice, and intricate human desires, interwoven with dark humor. Pippin captivates and provokes, leaving an indelible sense of marvel, a renewed grasp of life's intricacies, and the significance of embracing self-discovery's journey. Prepare to journey into a realm of imagination and awe through this emotionally profound musical, fostering reflections on life's ventures and the pursuit of meaning well after the curtains close.Read More
Scenic Projections
Backdrop Library
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At Broadway Media, we're revolutionizing the performing arts landscape. We innovate, create, and inspire, offering a powerful suite of technology tools crafted precisely for the artists of today.
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Scenic Projections Features
Easy Load-in
Imagine not having to hang costly painted backdrop rentals. Simply hang your projector, plug in your Mac or PC, and youβre ready to use digital scenery.
Pre-Cued Packages
All videos and images in our packages are pre-programmed in the easy-to-use projections control software, StagePlayer.
Stage Magic
World-class animation means magic moments and special effects. Imagine your Elsa conjuring her ice palace or Mary Poppins flying over London.
No Fly Space Needed
Projections solve many spatial issues, including no fly space.
Cinematic Motion
All packages come with scene transitions, weather and special effects.
Reduce Runtime
No need for blackouts and physical set changes with digital scenery.