Evil Dead The Musical: High School Version blends horror and humor into a truly unique and entertaining show! Adapted from the iconic Evil Dead film franchise, the plot follows the story of five college students who venture into a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway. Unknowingly, they unleash an ancient evil force that possesses them and turns them into demons. It’s up to Ash - a housewares employee, turned epic hero - and his trusty chainsaw to save the day! Expect laughs, scares, and gallons of fake blood as the characters fight for their lives in a wild and outrageous battle against dark forces. Evil Dead The Musical: High School Version is a fun-filled theatrical experience that pays tribute to the horror genre and leaves audiences cheering for more. This altered version of the standard musical includes lyric and dialogue changes - yet maintains its zany spirit - so demons of all ages can enjoy this thrilling production. Don't hesitate to produce this "groovy" musical with Broadway Media's digital projections!Read More
We are a small rural school. Digital backdrops were amazing. The support team was awesome. I couldn’t have done this show without the Digital Backdrops! They were fantasmorific for James and the Giant Peach TYA